星期一, 10月 04, 2021


When they had made an end of dividing the land as an inheritance according to their borders, the children of Israel gave an inheritance among them to Joshua the son of Nun. According to the word of the Lord they gave him the city which he asked for, Timnath Serah in the mountains of Ephraim; and he built the city and dwelt in it.(Joshua 19:49-50)

    In the final division of the west of the Jordan river, Joshua sent people to conduct field surveys and draw maps, so that the remaining seven tribes were able to divide all the land by casting lots at the gate of the tent of meeting in Shiloh before the Lord. What is worth pondering is that Caleb and Joshua were the only two good spies who spied on Canaan, stood alone, and reported the good news. What place did they choose? From the record of Joshua chapters 14 and 19: Caleb was the first choice among the subdivisions to the west of the Jordan; he did not choose an easy-to-capture or superior location, but a dangerous place—the greatest figure of the Anakis. The place where Ba is located-Gilead Abba, is the famous Hebron of later generations (Joshua 14). Joshua was the last chosen in the west of the Jordan River. He chose a city in the Ephraim Mountains called Timnasila. The name of the city was "The Remaining Part". There are strong enemies (Joshua 17: 14-18).

    Caleb, who picked the land first, and Joshua, who chose the land last, chose to attack the place where the most dangerous and terrifying Anakis (giants) were. They were not selfish, pick what others have left, and reclaim the worst areas. From the choices of these two people, we can see that they are really not easy. No wonder it is the only leader among all Israelis who have walked through the Red Sea, spied on Canaan, and stepped into Canaan with faith.

    This is why they have been able to stand unshakably before God and the people for more than four decades. By carefully observing what they have said, the way they have traveled, and the place they have chosen, we can reflect on what kind of leaders in the church today need to have. Traits? What can we learn and imitate from them? Whether it is a person who took care of a class or the head of the Taiwan General Conference, can we be as humble, confident, loyal to God, not greedy, and not selfish like the two of them? Become a good leader and fulfill the duty of feeding and shepherding among the flock, just as Elder Peter said: I, as an elder, a testimony of Christ’s suffering, and sharing the glory that will be revealed later, urge you to be with me. A fellow elder. Shepherd the flock of God among you and take care of them according to God's will; not out of reluctance, but out of willingness; not out of greed, but out of willingness. Nor is it entrusted to you by the rule, but to be an example to the flock. (1 Peter 5:1-3) I hope that we can all learn from Caleb's faith in following Jehovah's perilous faith and Joshua's example of setting a good example, and look after each other in the sheepfold of the church, inspire love, and encourage good deeds! (Hebrews 10:24)

    Follow the example of the "Shepherd" Lord Christ, focus on him, and work hard to run the path of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven!

Translated by Nicole




  徒 1:8 CUV 1:8  但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力;並要在耶路撒冷,猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。 主耶穌在升天前交代門徒,要起來為主作見證,直到世界的盡頭,門徒怎麼可能有這樣的能力?是因為主耶穌給他們應許的聖靈為證據,今天,這個應許也臨到我們...